Surakul Pier

 ¿Qué ver en Surakul pier, Ko panyi?

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The Surakul Pier in Ko Panyi, Thailand is a popular tourist destination, located in the Phang Nga Bay. There is no official website available for the pier, but visitors can find information on the local tourism websites.

The pier is used as a starting point for boat tours to nearby islands, including James Bond Island and Koh Hong. Boat tours typically run from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and prices vary depending on the tour operator and the length of the tour.

In addition to boat tours, visitors to Surakul Pier can also explore the nearby fishing village of Ko Panyi, which is built on stilts over the water. The village has a floating mosque and several seafood restaurants. Visitors can also take a hike to the nearby viewpoint for panoramic views of the bay.

Overall, Surakul Pier is a great starting point for exploring the natural beauty of Phang Nga Bay and the unique culture of Ko Panyi.

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(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Surakul pier)